The human body is made up of matter - atoms - 99.99% empty space, all elements that are commonly found in the universe, it is composed mostly of oxygen; carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous, along with other trace elements like potassium, sulfur, sodium, and magnesium. These elements are all naturally occurring and can be found throughout the universe. The work takes the famous detergent brand Tide and diverts its name to ediT.  The human body, is an artifact, a commodity; a material composition, vacuum-pack recipe to bake a cake in a box. ediT your content: a visual multiplication of the ediT label on the boxes with the content stack on a supermarket shelf unit. You can buy ediT - Human Body Composition Box for US $ 21.99, what an approximate human body materiality really worth. scan QR code to download kit.


related works: shelving unit.  2 transparencies under glass. space blanket.

The human body is made up of matter - atoms - 99.99% empty space, all elements that are commonly found in the universe, it is composed mostly of oxygen; carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous, along with other trace elements like potassium, sulfur, sodium, and magnesium. These elements are all naturally occurring and can be found throughout the universe. The work takes the famous detergent brand Tide and diverts its name to ediT.  The human body, is an artifact, a commodity; a material composition, vacuum-pack recipe to bake a cake in a box. ediT your content: a visual multiplication of the ediT label on the boxes with the content stack on a supermarket shelf unit. You can buy ediT - Human Body Composition Box for US $ 21.99, what an approximate human body materiality really worth. scan QR code to download kit.


related works: shelving unit.  2 transparencies under glass. space blanket.

The human body is made up of matter - atoms - 99.99% empty space, all elements that are commonly found in the universe, it is composed mostly of oxygen; carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous, along with other trace elements like potassium, sulfur, sodium, and magnesium. These elements are all naturally occurring and can be found throughout the universe. The work takes the famous detergent brand Tide and diverts its name to ediT.  The human body, is an artifact, a commodity; a material composition, vacuum-pack recipe to bake a cake in a box. ediT your content: a visual multiplication of the ediT label on the boxes with the content stack on a supermarket shelf unit. You can buy ediT - Human Body Composition Box for US $ 21.99, what an approximate human body materiality really worth. scan QR code to download kit.


related works: shelving unit.  2 transparencies under glass. space blanket.

ediT_Human Body Composition.

[_a box containing human body composition vacuum packed material ingredients.]

ediT_Human Body Composition.

ediT_Human Body Composition.

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